Complementary #FaulHaul
I received these products for
free from Influenster, Chapstick, and Oxi Clean in exchange for my honest review.
Pumpkin pie and everything nice oh my god
that’s amazing Chapstick that we know in love
with a pumpkin pie limited edition but I can’t
live without. Same effective formula with an
orange you and I that reminds you of

ChapStickObsessed #complimentary @chapstick @Influenster

This product is perfect for outdoor stains on your pets items and also unwanted outdoor order. I wish that this product had a scooper maybe the larger product does but it’s definitely affordable for the price that it is and I definitely recommend it.
MyOxiClean #TeamOdorBlaster #complimentary @oxicleanofficial @Influenster