It’s official #TeslaFamily
We ordered a #Tesla 2021 model 3, and I’m super excited and proud. I’ve been talking about and having a Tesla on my vision board since 2018. I had a 2011 Nissan rouge, and after moving to Las Vegas and struggling to make it, I knew it was near time for a new car. One week after driving, my car conditioner blew, my car failed emission and my transmission | engine light was on. My car has over 159k miles and was hanging on for dear life. And has made a cross-country road trip + survived being shipped from New Jersey to California. I purchased my car in 2014 and struggled to make my payments, my car almost got repoed, and lord knows that car gave me a freaking headache. But this is a safe place, and I’m not going to tell the truth. I was not too fond of that car, and those payments at the time almost killed me. But, After moving out and talking with my now-husband, we made a plan to get out of debt and revamp our living. For years I didn’t have a credit card or paid cash for everything.
Now, on June 30th, 2021, a brand new 2021 Tesla model 3 has been ordered, approved by the bank, and heading to my house . The lead-time quoted by Tesla is about 7-12 weeks, and I’m excited to share my reviews and must-have items for my new baby.
For those of you that have been following me for a while or if you are new here! I’m a living example of never giving up and trusting the process. Thank