Emergency Planning

By day I work at a Financial Institution and I would like to personally share a a few tips;

  1. Seek a licensed professional to look over your tax’s
  2. Have a licensed Accountant,
    look over your budget and finances.
  3. Have a disaster recovery plan in place
  4. Make sure you understand the NCUA or FDIC guidelines
  5. Consult with a licensed professional in regards to an Estate or Trust Account
  6. Try to learn more about investing and or Save as much as you can without spending
  7. Pray
  8. Follow the instructions of the Local state and Government
  9. Make sure all benefits are paid ( Life Insurance, Accidental Death and Health premiums )
  10. Reconfirm all essential documents in a life binder, This Binder should have all passwords, beneficiary’s information and required documents to aid assistance for you.

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