Hair Regimen

How to start a natural hair care regimen


What works for one person will not necessarily work for the next person, so you need to pay attention to what your hair is telling you. Before you can even begin to come up with the best natural hair care regime for your hair, you have to determine what type of hair you have.


Pro Tip:

Porosity Level


Porosity level refers to how well your hair retains water or moisture in general’ the term is called low porosity or high porosity. You cannot make this determination by simply looking at it; it gets a little deeper than that.


To get more technical, the cuticles are super tight or don’t lift easily. In turn, the product usually just sits on top of the hair and will take forever to dry.


Normal porosity hair has the least amount of excess maintenance because the cuticle layers are raised just enough to allow moisture to enter into the hair. High porosity hair is usually damaged hair that has holes and a limited amount of protein.


To test your porosity level, all you need is a clear glass of room temperature water.


Take a strand or two of your freshly washed hair and place it into the water. After 5 minutes, take a look at the strands.


Length retention involves keeping your ends nice and healthy by way of moisturizing and keeping them clipped. Going back to hair porosity levels, those with high porosities may have a hard time keeping their hair moisturized.


Therefore, protein treatments must be used to rebuild those cuticle layers that are damaged or missing. It is recommended only to do these once a month so that you do not cause the hair to become brittle.


If the hair is dry, there is a chance that you just need a deep conditioning treatment and a bit more TLC. There’s no reason to buy one of those little packets that they have at the local beauty supply store– any natural deep conditioner that is for dry damaged hair will do the trick.

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