Lessons For 31

Lessons for Chapter 31

Today  I turn 31 and I wanted to share a few lessons with you.

See below;

1. Call your elders once a week (I.e. Grandmother, Father and or Mother)

2. Enjoy your family

3. Create memories

4. Cleanse your space (Burn sage or candles) 

5. Read and re-activate your goals 

6. Take A Class

7. Learn a different Language 

8. Travel the world 

9.Emerise yourself into different Cultures

10. Learn as much as you can about your interest 

11.Smile and strangers 

12. Buy a random person, Coffee

13. Write a thank you card to your mail carrier 

14. Train your mind to see the positive in everything

15. Network with as many people as possible 

16. Write a letter to yourself, That you can read after your turn 30

17. Seek a mentor 

18. Visit a therapist 

19. Contribute to your 401k 

20. Volunteer as much as you can 

21. Laugh Often

22. Give yourself time to grieve

23. Remove yourself from toxic relationships and places

24. Drive through fly over states

25. Hike mountains, and discover the world unknown

26.Drink more water

27. Eat Greener 

28. Move your Body 

29. Explore a new hobby 

30.Invest money 

31. Eat your cake

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